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For all birthmothers!!

Thank you for taking the time to read my own personal thoughts. For so many women, the idea or notion of searching for a child that they had given birth to, in  itself, is wrong. I would like to take this opportunity to tell you that it is NOT wrong, rather it is probably the rightest thing you will ever do in your life. You will face many challenges, many road blocks, but know at the end of your journey, awaits your child, your son or your daughter.
   I want to thank you all for giving us, as adoptees, the right to know you, to love you. The right to be able to look into a past that is OURS. To thank you for giving us the opportunity to look at photo's of our aunt's, uncles, grandparents and be able to SEE ourselves in them. I want to thank you most of all though, for loving us enough to try to give us a better life than you thought you would be able to, though it broke your heart into pieces, most of you never recovered from the experience, and WON'T until you find the missing link in your life, your child. My love, my hopes and prayers go out to each and every one of you. My heart breaks for the injustice of the times that forced you to give up your child, your future with that child. But, there are so many things that await you on the horizon, so many joys, so many new memories to make. Even after your search comes to an end, your pain will not end, the pain of the loss, but it will dimish and be replaced with happiness. God Bless each and everyone of you on your search and your reunion.

momsjewel (so named by the woman who gave me life, not once but twice. Once in the beginning and again during our reunion. Thank you ma, for loving me for who I am, but thank you the most for giving me back my life, my self esteem. Thank you for helping me to love myself. Without you, I wouldn't be who I am today. I love you!)

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